Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Truth About the 'Federal Reserve Bank'

"..the fed is as federal as Federal Express..". I'm sure plenty have heard this phrase a handful of times throughout the past few decades but how many of you know the Federal Reserve Bank(s) is nothing more than a private corporation designed to control and profit by printing money through the treasury and regulating It's value?

It states in our constitution that Congress shall have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the value but yet our Country borrows money from this privately owned bank with a promise to pay it back plus interest, just as we do our banks. Then the citizens of the country are forced to pay back the fraudulently created, unconstitutional debt by paying a series of outrageously unconstitutional taxes that were never ratified. That's right, never. And all of this was done either directly or through the heavy political sponsorship of key politicians by the International Banking Cartel dubbed 'The Federal Reserve'. In a nutshell, Our Country has to pay interest on every dollar borrowed from the IBC so that means we were put into debt the first day we borrowed money from these guys and since the money to pay back the interest was not yet created, we were forced to again borrow money but this time just to pay back the interest on the money we borrowed prior which in turn created more debt. This is indeed a modern day system of slavery, where it is impossible for the citizens of that country to ever pay off the debt. The cycle repeats itself over 98 years and here we are today, over 15,000,000,000,000.00+ in debt and on the verge of economic collapse, regardless of what 'professionals' on television tell you.

The IMF is currently talking about replacing the dollar as the World's Reserve Currency. China, Russia, Japan and the most powerful Gulf States are getting together behind our backs and talking about accepting oil payments from a "basket of currencies", including the Yen, the Yuan, the Euro, Gold and a new, single currency for the Gulf States. This would put an end to the decades old tradition of only accepting the US Dollar as payment along with possibly threatening America's position as the World's leading economy, for if the move was executed it would be a major blow to our dollar's position as premier world currency. Our dollar is losing its purchasing power all over the world and we are no longer a leader in the fields that are so fundamental to a strong economy like Education, Healthcare, Technology, Research & Development, Science and exports to name a few, heck were not even on the leaderboard in most of the areas.. really? Wow America. But wait, we do lead in one very important field, we have the most physical force at the moment and we are the most ready and willing to use it at the drop of a dime, at the end of the day we can do whatever we want as long as we have that power right? I mean who is going to stop us? That is how these elitists think.

My point is that the 'Federal Reserve Bank' is a tool or a weapon rather that's been used up until now as part of a much greater plan. It has also probably been their most powerful weapon hands down. With the ability to control a nation's currency through inflation and deflation comes the ability to control a nation. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." -- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. And with the Dollar being the World Reserve Currency the IBC ultimately successfully controls the world. They get countries to accept loans that they know they cannot repay and when the time comes to repay (and they almost never can) they too ultimately become controlled for the benefit of the IBC. This fraudulently set up system of credit already controls our country along with quite a few others. It is important to note that this is an International Banking Cartel that consists of 12 'Central Banks' intimately connected around the world.

This Private set of Banks run by an International Cartel of the most powerful bankers on earth severely impacts our everyday lives. Right now you and I work roughly four months out of the year just to pay an illegally passed, unconstitutional Income Tax and the money is literally going into the pockets of these private bankers. We've forgotten we can change this and live in an economy that spends real money and not debt.

I just wanted to get to my point, our country NEEDS a sound monetary system to sustain continuous growth and the fed MUST go if we are to have that, no exceptions. I am literally just scratching the surface as to how much power and influence these men wield. Let's take away their #1 tool for control! Sign petition below to help stop them.

For the most detailed description of who the fed is, how they started, what some of their accomplishments and aspirations are I advise you to visit or watch a Documentary called Zeitgeist (part three of the first movie is on the fed).

If you already know about the Fed and their inhumane ways then help shut them down before it's too late!
Every signature helps.